> Today and the next 4 days

Introduction: Habits & Goals

Daily TODO:
Intro for your Start day
Overview Basic Daily Timeline will be something like this :
Task	Time
mind	10 - 90 min
body	10 - 90 min
spirit	10 - 90 min
For now, I'll at minimum be asking for 45 minutes a day, Mind - 5-10 min to read this page, Body - 30ish min to do some exercise, and Spirit - 10 min to be with yourself, Anything past that is all on you, and strictly encouraged. ;-) IMO the best time of day to do the plan would be first thing in the morning, before breakfast, but whatever works for you is fine by me too. Mind body and Spirit are used in a few. Mind Each day will start with reading the days section from the development plan, which may include watching youtube, reading some words here, taking notes and some other activities outside the box you are reading this on. A journal, index cards, or something to write notes on is suggested, but as with anything in life, or on this website, how you track your progress is up to you, we can only provide the tools for your toolbox. How you use them, or not, is your own choice. Remember why you are here taking on this task, not because it's free, but from some desire within yourself. The goal with this development plan as mentioned will be focused on life maintenance. Looking at your Goals & Dreams. Then Starting from the basics of eating, sleeping, drinking, breathing.. moving to problem solving.. and budgeting everything from time to money and friends (energy vampires anyone?).. and we wouldnt dare leave out how to find fun and enjoyment in things (hint: gratitude)!!! Each week has a main focus, but some days may have a heavy focus on other topics, possibly not even mentioning the weekly topic. As with learning, some tools will be given to us far before we know how to use it.. but its fun to look at and read the manual a little on a tool before applying it to its task.. small circles and chess.. more on that later. Body breathe remember and do it often, slow and deep,... deeper... 2 more times.. Yoga poses (Click for large version Source) A few moments of focus. Listening to your breathing or improving your mind and body otherwise. You will find a daily yoga routine drawn from portions of a much better plan in the back of : Light on Yoga: The Bible of Modern Yoga. If you do buy the book and start the 300 week Asana Courses, skip the yoga section of this Development plan. I'll also be including links to guided meditations and other resources to try outside of your normal routine. ujjayi tadasana - Victorious Breath Mountain Pose Pretty simple! We shall stand, ready to take on the world.. an appropiate end to todays reading. Ujjayi: you begin with a full slow and steady breath into the lungs, as breathing in, suck yer belly button towards yer spin. Hold for a second or two as your lungs hit full (do not overfill your gas tank). With your exhale, slow and steady wins the race, and same for this breath, A second or so into the exhale, begin to also slowly release your grip on your belly button until fully relaxed as the last bit of air escapes. Hold for a second or two with no air in your lungs and repeat slow and steadily... tadasana: This one is easy mate, stand there... TADA!!! yer a mountain! nothing can move you, not even an unstoppable force... Now that air & exercise are out of the way, what else does the body NEED? Food, Water and Sleep... for today, just try to eat a little better then yesterday, maybe a smaller portion,.. whatever works for you, no big drastic changes, maybe try skipping cheese on your meal, or add in some more veggies,... same for water, maybe start with just replacing one glass a day of your favorite drink with water, or for today, just lookin at some water and thinking about it. Slow and Steady is whats going to win this race, not a huge drastic change, but we'll check in on the water progress and food progress.. and then there was sleep,... well,... life is pretty crazy sometimes, and sleep schedules are everyones opinion, try to get relaxed uninterrupted sleep for at least 6 hrs a night, aim for 7 or 8. Spirit The final of three parts of what makes us. These three parts will be a focus in the development plan, for us to be successful, all three must be in balance and harmonic. The Mind is essentially what we know, how we use it, etc.. Body, is our mental and physical health & fitness, maintence of the physical body to make it at least to our 10 year goal. Spirit is our focus on goals and dreams, what drives us, our essence. Most of the daily exercises will ask you to go inside your head, ask yourself questions, and plot a course for yourself to follow on a personal development path, A portion of our focus is on life maintenance and enjoying the game that is life. Once you have maintenance and enjoyment figured out, the skies the limit as to what you can achieve.. Today's Exercise * Be the mountain for 10 minutes Set a timer on your phone or egg timer thing in your kitchen for ten minutes, and practice that breathing technique.. when thoughts come, think about what you have seen here today, what your goals and dreams are. I believe in you, and you got this! * Freewrite for 10 minutes on Goals & Dreams
Confidence is assertively losing yourself to the universal flow in the moment.
Motivation is found when no distraction exists to block progress of a purpose.
Communication (listening, presenting) Optimism / Happiness Organization
	30 Day Challenge - Strangest secret - Law of Attraction

	Put this on the back of your goal card.
	Ask and it will be given to you;
	 seek and you will find;
	 knock and it will be opened to you. 
	For everyone who asks receives,
	 and he who seeks finds,
	 and to him who knocks,
	 it will be opened.
	TLDR; ask, believe, and receive
	~Matthew 7:7-8
Don't Call me a Life Coach, Call me a Curious Mystic.
Daily TODO:
Start Dailies & Overview of a Growth Mindset


Yesterday I asked you to list some Goals and Dreams. We will be using those shortly,.. but first, heres a quick breakdown on The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People as well as Getting Things Done. What these two systems do, is help you prioritize things and give you a framework for what to do and when, among other benefits. When combined with buddhist values and teachings along with a process for learning.. the skies the limit!
7 habits -
1. Be a Step Ahead / Proactive
2. Begin with the End in Mind
3. Put First Things First
A) Important and Urgent
B) Important and not Urgent
C) Not Important and Urgent
D) Not Important and not Urgent
4. Think Win-Win
5. Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood
6. Synergize
7. Refine / Sharpen the Saw
GTD Quick 1 Quick 2
- (two different overviews of how GTD can be done)
GOALS ----
Monthly-Horizon 5: Life
Monthly-Horizon 4: Long-term visions
Monthly-Horizon 3: 1-2 year goals
Weekly-Horizon 2: Areas of focus and accountability
Daily-Horizon 1: Current projects
Daily-Ground: Current actions

Process tasks/todos/goals (Current Perspective) --- (WORK or PLAY//Self or Anon)
Pillar 1 : capture/collect (box) (daily)
Pillar 2 : clarify/process (smaller boxes) (tasks)
Pillar 3 : organize (sort box contents) (tags)
Pillar 4 : reflect/plan (Task, Tag, When)
Pillar 5 : engage/do
I'm not going to go too deep into GTD or 7 Habits, but if those outlines look interesting to you (along with the Wikipedia pages for both). Checkout the links above to purchase a copy.
Personally I have my task list setup as Follows.
* Inbox
* Dailies
* Weeklies
* Monthlies
* Projects & Ideas


Diet? Not sure what that is, but did you drink more water then yesterday? maybe at a little healthier in either portion size or something like adding fruits and veggies? *\-_-/* Todays yoga moves are brought to you by,.. Adriene! She's an amazing youtube yoga star, as has a 30 day yoga course, so what better way to add yoga to my personal development plan, then to just drop her right in here.. Each day will have a yoga by Adriene video, click the title to head to her page and click around or what have you. She's amazing, and worth the follow.


^_^(Om) Finding enjoyment in mundane things,.. such as doing dishes or the daily commute. This is easier said then done, simply dance in your mind, imagine playing your favorite dancing or singing game, and goto town in your head, it's quite simple to find enjoyment in mundane activities if we relax our views on the task as as "why me, this sucks" into more of a "i'm glad i am able to do this instead of working in the coal mines or the cotton fields".., Today's Exercise * Spend some time to organize your tasks/todo. As you do this, be sure to incorporate your Goals & Dreams from yesterday. * Do 3 'chores' and find enjoyment in them. Maybe play your favorite music and dance while doing said mundane task. * Note Habits Note a few (three to five) habits good & bad in your notes.
Daily TODO:
Grow Network for your MASTERMIND group.
3-5 close people to daily bounce ideas off of etc,...


Organizing our Habits! Today's focus is on Organizing what needs to be organized in our life, and the habits that we use to enable or hinder ourselves. It's hard to say where to begin as far as organizing, but I've found that my living space is a good start. Making changes to your environment is the first thing to be done when 'something needs to change',.. starting with Air (Breathing), Water, Food, Sleep, Clothing, Shelter. Going right down the list, 10 minutes a day (even 1 minute 10 times a day) listening to and slowing your breathing is enough to start. Water is the same, as we've mentioned from day 1, just try to drink a little more water then the day before. Food is a bit harder to manage, just try to make better choices as mentioned in the daily body section. Sleep depends on a few factors, entertainment and distractions being a hard one for most of us in this day and age, a good starting point is if you are getting less then 7 hrs a night, try to get to at least 7.. and try to waste less time if thats part of the problem... these are the times we need to re-evaluate our use of time,.. prioritize sleep, then up to 4 1/2 hours to work on your Mind Body and Spirit, a hour and a half each, some activities satisfy all 3 aspects.. this is typically when you are in flow. When life & time just stops and you are fully engaged in the moment. Chase those moments.. And on to Shelter, which is where organizing comes in, starting with your sleeping area then moving to rest room and finally shifting focus in the cooking area, other areas exist and obviously include those areas that need your attention. Please do not panic and say things like "omg this is too much to do, I'll never get there" or "someone else will get to it", they aren't productive nor conductive to the universe sending energies to get the tasks done. CHUNK the work into smaller blokz using your task and todo lists. Everything from cleaning the dishes you use when making meals, to making the sleeping area when you wake up for the day, as they say when going out into nature, "Leave it like you found it, or better." As you work through the organizing of your various life blokz (self, environment, other), you will find that habits that you have, do not serve your goals and dreams, be mindful of them and try to do better then the day before on them. You can use a Check mark and X style tracking, or however you want to punish and reward yourself, a Task/ Todo app that can do A LOT of this for you is Habitica, which can be found on the Android & IOS markets. Give it a peep. Know that habits aren't going to change overnight, it will take some time.. just like eating better and drinking more water then the day before. Just keep trying to do better, Notes/Journal/Apps can help alot with this task, track everything you want to work on over time in some form...


*\-_-/* Diet? Still not sure what that is,... but did you drink more water then yesterday? and I think something about maybe at a little healthier in either portion size or something like adding fruits and veggies to meals... snacking on nuts and berries...


^_^(Om) Namaste Enjoy all moments, life is too short to hate with negative intent. Be kind, Both to yourself & others.
Daily TODO:


As of now,... this early dawn release is complete.. continue on with the days 1-3 repeated in little circles, remember it will take time to rebuild habits, its OK to repeat these days as they focus on basic needs and evaluating our needs and desires on basic levels that we can apply to upper or lower levels. Remember, everypage linked from here has unique information, review it and question it all. how does this help you? what can you do with this to help others? Is this activity you are doing with the time and money invested into it? Whats in it for you? and why do you feel that motive, is it selfish? Are your intentions positive with intent? Don't harm yourself or others, help as much as possible. To be in the service of others, with individuals that I respect, I shouldn't have to ask for more than that.


*\-_-/* If you want to repeat the basic stages of yoga, do day 1 - 3 over and over... or continue along with the yoga plan as she has it setup, and continue day 1 - 4 here on repeat.. as this site gets updated, it will always be setup to allow a reset done at any point.. sometimes we just need to start back at day 1, and thats ok, its life.. Enjoy it, don't shame youself at it's prospects. I believe in you, you got this! (Click everything thats blue on this site! ^>^ )


^_^(Om) The art of Success: Learning 1. Deconstructing the skill needed to accomplish task, small circles 2. Learn enough to self correct/edit errors as they come up 3. Remove obstacles and distractions 4. Practice 20 hours
Daily TODO: